Send a parcel online or in-store

Use this tool to help you find the best option for sending a parcel internationally.

Please note:

  • We are currently experiencing international delivery delays. You can check the current delivery targets for international deliveries, and our disruptions notices for up-to-date information for countries experiencing disruption or suspension of services.
  • To send your parcel using this service you will need a printer to print your sending label. You don’t need a printer to get a quote.
  • Prices online may vary from those available instore.

Where are you sending?

What are you sending?

Dimensions (Parcel)
Dimensions (Parcel)

Enter the height, length and width of your parcel below

Select your parcel's dimension


Enter the weight of your parcel


Enter the value of your parcel


Dimensions tip

Use a standard pen to work out the dimensions. A standard pen is approximately 14 cm, e.g. a CD is 1 pen long by 1 pen wide.

Weight tip

A block of a butter weighs 500 g or 0.5 kg.

Ratefinder help

Please note:

  • Cost of postage to send an item is GST zero-rated. If you want to use stamps as the payment method for your parcel, you must add GST to the required postage.
  • This Rate Finder is for individual customers and provides estimated rates applicable via Print Postage Online and in NZ Post retail outlets only. Customers with a NZ Post business account should refer to their own pricing guide. Learn more about My NZ Post
  • The results are only as accurate as your estimation/measurement of the size, weight and value of your mail item. Please remember to include the packaging in these measurements.
  • Final pricing will be confirmed at your local NZ Post retail outlet (excluding stamp resellers), and the price you pay may vary in-store. If you pay online to post, pricing is confirmed when your item has been weighed and measured at the International Mail Centre. Each time you pay online to post, you confirm that you have the appropriate authority to pay any resulting postage charges.
  • Pay online to post postage has a unique identifier and may be used only once. Postage will become void if you alter it once printed. For further information about our terms and conditions, please refer to the relevant sections of the Postal Users' Guide
  • For border security and clearance purposes, we need to electronically capture the sender, receiver and parcel content information that you provide on your white consignment note or green Customs declaration form in-store for all International Economy, Courier and Express items. This information may be shared in advance with the destination postal administration and national government agencies (such as Customs) for fiscal, risk, security and border clearance purposes, in line with national and international legislation.
  • A service fee of $3 (RRP) is included in the instore price of sending parcels overseas to cover the electronic data capture cost, processing and administration fee.Learn more about Electronic Advance Data (EAD)
  • No service fee will apply when sending International parcels and documents using our online tools such as Print Postage Online. Sender, receiver and parcel content information will be sent to the overseas postal service or organisation electronically upon the completion of the transaction.