New Zealand Address Dataset (NZAD)

The New Zealand Address Dataset (NZAD) is a snapshot of addresses (at the time of the extract) that contains all addresses in NZ Post’s National Postal Address Database (NPAD).

It contains a unique number of up to seven digits (the Delivery Point Identifier or DPID), which makes it easier to manage and match customer addresses. It includes addresses that are delivered by both our postie and courier delivery networks.

Addresses supplied by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) data have been updated to include information provided to NZ Post by City and Regional councils and information collected by NZ Post.

Data you will receive

  • All addresses with an in-use DPID (ie. not retired). These addresses are created by LINZ, NZ Post or by Territorial Authorities. An address may or may not be a delivery point. The delivery status is determined by NZ Post.
  • Addresses that receive mail delivery at the time of the extract will have the “Delivered To” flag set to “Y”.
  • Addresses that do not receive mail delivery may be vacant sections, reserves or buildings. The usage or occupancy of the property is not identified.
  • Address types of Urban and Rural are based on the postcode that the physical address is located within.
  • Full address details, including both physical and postal address details for Rural Delivery addresses.
  • All let and available (unlet) Box/Bag addresses.
  • All Community Mailboxes (CMBs).
  • All Counter Delivery locations.
  • Spatial coordinates to allow visual representation of an address on a map.



Annual fee of $17,500 ($20,500 if exclusive data is included)

A base annual fee allows you to use the data within your business. This does not allow you to sell or otherwise combine the NZAD with other data that is for sale.


Annual fee of $36,400 ($41,400 if exclusive data is included)

A commercial annual fee allows you to include the data within software solutions to your customers.

For a more comprehensive definition of commercial use. please refer to the license agreement (PDF - 129KB).Please note that no amendments proposed by you apply, unless different terms are specifically agreed with you by one of our General Managers.

Exclusive Data

Exclusive Data is data collected by NZ Post and includes the type of property (eg vacant section). This data is sourced solely from NZ Post delivery agents. It is not audited and its accuracy is not guaranteed.

Full details of the data supplied is available in our overview document (PDF - 458KB)

Pricing is in New Zealand dollars and excludes GST.

Data will be supplied in a flat file format as a .txt file via SFTP.

Next steps

  • View the license agreement (PDF - 129KB)
  • A current NZ Post account number (not an online Business account) is required for invoicing. If you don't have one, please download and complete an application for credit and a direct debit form.
  • Email the forms to, or call Jo Davidson 027 241 3814 for more information
  • Talk to your NZ Post Account Manager about your marketing objectives.