How to shop overseas with You Shop
- Check what you can send with You Shop
- Use your personalised You Shop address in the US or UK at checkout
- You Shop will email you when we receive your parcel
- Declare your item, choose from our range of shipping services and pay
- Done! We’ll take care of the rest
How to shop overseas with You Shop
- Check what you can send with You Shop
- Use your personalised You Shop address in the US or UK at checkout
- You Shop will email you when we receive your parcel
- Declare your item, choose from our range of shipping services and pay
- Done! We’ll take care of the rest
What can I send with NZ Post?
Standard (air freight)
Estimated delivery 8-12 days
Maximum permitted
Weight: 30 kg
Length: 1.5 metres
Volume: 0.125 cubic metres
Best for sending small and regular sized parcels containing items that can fly by air. Check if your item is dangerous or prohibited from flying below.
Economy (sea freight)
USA only
Maximum permitted
Weight: 99 kg
Length: 2 metres
Volume: 2 cubic metres
Best for sending overweight or oversize parcels and dangerous goods that can't fly by air (such as some perfumes, nail polish, batteries, and electronics).
You can ship parcels up to a maximum value of NZ$2,000 from You Shop USA.
You can ship parcels up to a maximum value of NZ$1,400 from You Shop UK.
Please ensure you read and understand the prohibited & dangerous goods information before using your You Shop address to shop online.
Some items cannot be sent using our Standard (air freight) service but can be sent using our Economy (sea freight) service (USA only).
If you are shipping dangerous goods there is a NZ$130 surcharge (in addition to the per 500g fee) for a specialist to unpack and examine the contents to determine if it meets International Air Transport (IATA) requirements, and complete a declaration and other required documents for the shipment.
You Shop will assess your contents and if required, request that you provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from the merchant you purchased the goods from.

Your parcel's journey from our warehouse
See what you need to do when your parcel arrives at the You Shop warehouse in the US or UK, and find answers to our FAQs.

What you can and can’t send with You Shop NZ Post
Not all items can be sent with You Shop. Find out what items are prohibited, what you can send by Economy (sea freight) and more about our size and value limits.
Declare your items for faster shipping
We make it easy for you to submit your Customs declaration so you can receive your parcel faster. Simply select the Declare button for your parcel under 'Action required' in your You Shop account. Add the category, value of your content and upload invoice then hit submit. If you declare your parcel's value in another currency, You Shop will calculate the NZD equivalent at today's exchange rate.
Repacking your parcels for the cheapest shipping
We can help you save on shipping costs by cutting down the box of your single parcel. The repack option is made available for your parcel only if there is at least a difference of 2 kg between the actual weight and volumetric weight of your parcel's packaging. To save on multiple parcels consider our consolidation service.
Your parcel may be eligible for our repack service if the Repack Request is available to be selected for your parcel in your account.
Once you submit a Repack Request, we will assess your parcel, and if suitable, You Shop will cut the box down to reduce its volumetric size. Once complete, the parcel's status will update to Repacked. This process takes approx. up to 2 working days.
Repack pricing
The shipping fee for a repacked parcel is:
NZ$15.50 per 500g + GST - Standard (air freight)
NZ$12.50 per 500g + GST - Economy (sea freight)
There is a minimum chargeable weight of 1kg. Visit our pricing page for more info.
We cannot repack your parcel if it:
- Doesn’t have a weight difference greater than 2 kg between the actual weight and volumetric weight.
- Contains protective packing (e.g. Styrofoam or other protective cushioned packaging material) and You Shop believes the items can’t be repacked without compromising the safety of the contents.
- Is in the manufacturer's branded packaging (e.g. shoe boxes).
- Is a plastic bag or satchel (e.g. clothing).
- Contains leather items.
- Is sent to the You Shop USA warehouse and contains automotive parts or accessories.
- Contains Prohibited & Restricted items including flammable items such as perfume. These will be dealt with in accordance with clause 4 in our Terms and Conditions.
- Has been gift wrapped and/or is marked 'gift'.
- Is marked 'fragile' or the items are inherently fragile.
Return or redirect your parcel
If you don't want your item when it arrives at our warehouse, or You Shop can't send the parcel to New Zealand, we may be able to return it to the sender, redirect to an address in the same country as the warehouse, or destroy of the parcel at no charge.
We can not return or redirect a parcel if the contents are:
- prohibited for travel to New Zealand if we do not receive timely return/redirection instructions from you, or
- prohibited for domestic delivery in the country the You Shop warehouse is in.
Such items will be disposed of as we see fit.
If you decide you don't want your item after it arrives at our warehouse, or we can't send the parcel to New Zealand, You Shop may able to return your parcel to the merchant you purchased it from if it’s address is in the same country as the You Shop warehouse if the item is eligible for delivery in the relevant country.
We cannot provide a list of items that cannot be returned as this in the control of the relevant country, and may change over time.
Parcel returns with a pre-paid returns label
If the merchant included a pre-paid returns label with your parcel, a handling fee of NZ$8.5 (GST Inclusive) will apply.
Parcel returns without a pre-paid returns label
If the parcel does not include a pre-paid returns label, you may be able to use the redirection service to send the parcel to the merchant or an alternative address within the same country as the You Shop warehouse. The return fee will be equivalent to 50% of the international postage that would have been charged if it was delivered to New Zealand excluding GST on the purchase price. Select the 'Redirect' option to action this.
Returning your UK parcel to another European country
You Shop can only return your UK parcel to another European country if the merchant included a pre-paid returns label with your parcel. A handling fee of NZ$8.50 will apply. Select the 'Return' option to action this.
Parcel with Prohibited contents
If your parcel is prohibited, but can be delivered in the country in which the warehouse is located, we will notify you, and you can choose to return the parcel to sender or redirect it to an alternative address in the same country. The relevant charges and conditions apply. You must provide us with your instructions and make payment within 21 days. We are not liable for any damage to or loss of your parcel. If we don’t receive instructions or receive payment, we will dispose of the items as we see fit.
If your parcel is prohibited for domestic delivery in the country in which the warehouse is located, we will dispose of the items as we see fit.
Other exceptions
We will only attempt to return or redirect your parcel once, If the prepaid return label or the address you supply is invalid, we may dispose of the item as we see fit. A consolidated parcel can not be returned once you have paid for consolidation.
You Shop may be able to redirect your parcel to an alternative address in the same country as the You Shop warehouse after it arrives at our warehouse if the item is eligible for delivery in the relevant country.
We cannot provide a list of items that cannot be returned as this in the control of the relevant country, and may change over time.
Redirect your UK parcel to another European country
You Shop UK is unable to redirect a parcel to another European country. We can only return your UK parcel to another European country if the merchant included a pre-paid returns label with your parcel. Alternatively you can authorise disposal of your parcel at no cost.
Redirect fees
The redirect fee will be equivalent to 50% of the international standard postage that would have been charged if it was delivered to New Zealand excluding GST on the purchase price, and a handling fee of NZ$8.50 will apply.
Parcel with Prohibited contents
If your parcel is prohibited, but can be delivered in the country in which the warehouse is located, we will notify you, and you can choose to return the parcel to sender or redirect it to an alternative address in the same country. The relevant charges and conditions apply. You must provide us with your instructions and make payment within 21 days. We are not liable for any damage to or loss of your parcel. If we don’t receive instructions or receive payment, we will dispose of the items as we see fit.
If your parcel is prohibited for domestic delivery in the country in which the warehouse is located, we will dispose of the items as we see fit.
Other exceptions
We will only attempt to redirect your parcel once, If the address you supply is invalid, we may dispose of the item as we see fit.