We can put up to three parcels into the same box to ship to New Zealand, saving you on shipping costs. Shop from multiple stores all over the world, have them sent to our warehouse in the US or UK, and we’ll take care of the rest.
We can put up to three parcels into the same box to ship to New Zealand, saving you on shipping costs. Shop from multiple stores all over the world, have them sent to our warehouse in the US or UK, and we’ll take care of the rest.
How to consolidate your parcels
Consolidation will generally save you money if you are consolidating three parcels.
1. Shop online as usual, using a You Shop delivery address. To be consolidated, parcels must be delivered to the same warehouse (USA or UK).
2. Once your parcels have arrived at the You Shop warehouse, you can choose which ones you would like to consolidate. Upon submitting a consolidation request, you will receive a request outcome in 2 working days.
3. The You Shop warehouse team will remove any excess packaging from your items, before repacking them together.
4. Your consolidated parcel will be sent to New Zealand.

Guidelines for using You Shop’s consolidation service
Before consolidating your parcels, it’s important to find out which items are and are not suitable for combined shipping.
We will NOT consolidate any of the following:
- Leather products.
- Prohibited items, including flammable items such as perfume. Read more about Prohibited items.
- Parcels that have been gift wrapped and/or marked 'gift'.
- Parcels that are marked 'fragile', or items that are inherently fragile.
- Items packaged with protective cushioned packaging material if in our reasonable opinion they cannot be repacked without compromising the safety of the contents.
- Items in the manufacturer's branded packaging, e.g. shoe boxes.
- Items packed within a satchel or plastic packaging bag, e.g. clothing.
- Automotive parts or accessories, it sent to our You Shop USA warehouse.
- Parcels containing any dangerous goods.
- Oversized parcels.
- Parcels valued at over NZ$1000.
You are responsible for choosing which items to consolidate.
To be consolidated together, your parcels must be delivered to the same You Shop warehouse (either UK or USA).
All parcels consolidated together must be delivered to the same address in New Zealand.
Once your request has been submitted, you cannot withdraw your request.
The total weight of a consolidated parcel cannot exceed 30 kg for Standard (air freight), and cannot exceed 99 kg for Economy (sea freight). Individual parcels within a consolidated parcel cannot have any dimensions larger than 50cm for both Standard and Economy services. If the selected items for consolidation cannot fit into one box, we will remove the smallest/lightest item and return this parcel to “Ready to send”.
NZ Border Customs & duty fees
You Shop shipping prices don’t include any costs payable at the New Zealand border, and these may increase when you consolidate, as the value of the parcel will increase:
- A classification fee must be paid on parcels valued between $400-$1000
- Duty must be paid on parcels valued over $1000
NZ Border Customs & duty fees
You Shop shipping prices don’t include any costs payable at the New Zealand border, and these may increase when you consolidate, as the value of the parcel will increase:
- A classification fee must be paid on parcels valued between $400-$1000
- Duty must be paid on parcels valued over $1000
How your items will be packaged
Existing packaging will be removed, and the selected items will be consolidated into another outer box. Our warehouse team will choose the best possible box size to reduce volumetric weight. This also reduces carbon emissions - great for sustainability!
Once your request for Consolidation has been submitted, you cannot withdraw your request. Your Parcel cannot be returned by the Warehouse, nor split into individual parcels again.

Consolidation pricing
You can view your international sending costs, and compare consolidated prices with sending separately, using our real-time quotes within your You Shop dashboard, once your items have reached our warehouse.
You can check the cost of shipping a group of items as a consolidated parcel and compare this with the cost of shipping them separately, using our real-time quotes once items show up in your You Shop dashboard.
Consolidation saves you 30% on volumetric weight. This means you will generally save on heavier items, but it may be less cost-effective for lighter ones.
Remember to check your customs fees and duty to be paid at the New Zealand border before consolidating your parcels, as this may increase. What's My Duty estimator
Standard (air freight) | Economy (sea freight) |
NZ$13.50 per 500g + GST | NZ$10.50 per 500g + GST |
NZ$18.50 per 500g + GST consolidated parcel | NZ$14.50 per 500g + GST consolidated parcel |
Weight is charged in 500gm increments (the minimum chargeable weight is 1 kg).
Weight is charged either on the parcel's volumetric weight or 1 kg whichever is greater.
Costs payable at the New Zealand border (duty and customs clearance fees, plus GST on these) are additional.
Find the volumetric weight of your parcel
Volumetric weight (kg) = [length (cm) x width (cm) x height (cm)] / 5,000 cm.
For example, if a parcel’s dimensions are 30 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm the volumetric weight is 900 g (30 x 15 x 10 / 5000 = 900 g).
Sea freight only: The cost for shipping oversized consolidated parcels (weighing over 30 kg) will include delivery to the Auckland International Freight Centre only.
You can calculate how much duty and/or GST you may need to pay to Customs by visiting the What's My Duty estimator.