Prohibited & restricted items

Not all items are suitable to send using You Shop. Please check that your item can be sent before using your You Shop address to shop online.

Prohibited & restricted items

Not all items are suitable to send using You Shop. Please check that your item can be sent before using your You Shop address to shop online.

Can your item travel using You Shop?

Please check what items are prohibited, dangerous and must travel via sea freight before using your You Shop address to shop online.

Value & size limits

You Shop can only send parcels up to a maximum value and size. Check the limits below to determine the best service for sending your parcel.

You Shop USA value limit
You can ship parcels up to a maximum value of NZ$2,000 from the USA.

You Shop UK value limit
You can ship parcels up to a maximum value of NZ$1,400 from UK.

Parcels valued between NZ$400 and NZ$1,000
A tariff item classification fee is payable to NZ Customs if your parcel is valued between NZ$400 and NZ$1,000.

Tariff classification fee (NZ$47.83 + GST) NZ$55.00


Duty is not payable for items valued at NZ$1,000 or less. For more information about tax and duty charges visit the New Zealand Customs website.

Parcels valued over NZ$1,000
Additional fees and duty may be payable to NZ Customs for parcels valued over NZ$1,000. NZ Customs will determine the amount when it enters NZ. More info can be found on our pricing page.

Size limits

Standard (air freight) Economy (sea freight)
Estimated delivery 8-12 days USA only. Service temporarily suspended
Max. weight: 30 kg Max. weight: 99 kg
Max. length: 1.5 metres Max. length: 2 metres
Max. size: 0.125 cubic metres Max. size: 2 cubic metres





Prohibited items

These items cannot travel using You Shop

Ammunition & weapons

  • All types of firearms (including antique and collectible), firearms parts, ammunition and accessories, including air guns, air rifles, BB guns and their accessories are prohibited to send through YouShop regardless of whether they are in working condition.
  • Weapons (swords/knives/guns etc.)
  • Munitions of war
  • Laser apparatus such as laser pointers that are found to have emission powers
  • See our full list of prohibited firearm items

Batteries & corrosives

  • Vivo Smartphones (all makes and models)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Smartphones (USA)
  • Ni-Cad batteries
  • All used electronics with li-ion/rechargeable batteries are not permissible for Air/Sea Freight under the regulations.

Flammables, explosives & fireworks

  • Alcoholic products or beverages/intoxicating liquors
  • All nail polish products containing alcohol
  • All Perfume and/or fragrance mist containing alcohol (only natural ingredients allowed)
  • Dangerous Goods (hazardous or combustible materials) including asbestos, ammunition, explosives, poisons, flammable items, radioactive material, compressed gas, corrosive, firearms and any item which by its nature of packing could cause damage to other items or expose workers to injury #
  • Fuels, gasoline and gas torches
  • Compressed gas cylinders
  • Petroleum products
  • Motor vehicles
  • Engine oils
  • Firecrackers
  • Sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite

Tobacco products

  • Cigars and cigar cases (USA)
  • eCigars and eLiquid (USA), including imitation tobacco products (e.g. electronic cigarettes, etc)
  • Cigarette lighters in shapes of pistols or revolvers or grenades

Drugs, pharmaceuticals, bleaches & poisons

  • Controlled drugs and psychotropic substances
  • Cannabis derived products regardless of THC content (Specific US Export restriction)
  • White powdery substance of item with unknown label
  • Any unidentifiable material, substance or chemical

Food, perishables & live animals

  • Food or perishable items including meat or animal extracts
  • Any food, supplement, drug or cosmetic that has been issued a Consumer Safety Advisory Warning by Authority (HSA or etc), including any items that are not labelled in English (dietary supplements/cosmetics/food)
  • Processed foods more than 5kg or above NZD$100 (food products that are not classified as meat, seafood or fresh fruits and vegetables)
  • Live animals, reptiles, snakes, birds, insects and endangered species of wildlife, and their by-products
  • Seeds/live plants
  • Infectious substances

Other prohibited items

  • Squalane (not 100% plant based)
  • Medical samples (e.g. biological/diagnostic specimens, blood, urine, bodily fluids, etc.)
  • Counterfeit or pirated goods or materials
  • Artwork, antiques and collectibles
  • Pornographic materials
  • Seditious and treasonable materials
  • Precious jewellery, diamonds and antiques including precious metals and stones including gold and silver
  • Paper currency, coins, credit cards, cheques and stamps (Item/s would be discarded at Origin)
  • SkunkLock™ bike locks
  • Magnets which cause a compass deflection of more than 2 degrees at 4.6 metres. If you're unsure about a magnet’s strength, you must check its strength level with the supplier.

# If received at the You Shop USA, or UK warehouse, these parcels will be marked as ‘Dangerous goods’ and you may be able to select whether to return it to the merchant or destroy of it. Returns to merchant will be done at the customer’s cost. See our You Shop terms for further details.. 

If the merchant included a pre-paid returns label with your parcel, a handling fee of NZ$8.50 + GST will apply. If the parcel does not include a pre-paid returns label, or you wish to redirect the parcel the fee will be equivalent to 50% of the international postage that would be charged if it was delivered to New Zealand, excluding GST on the purchase price.

Dangerous goods

Dangerous goods can only travel by Economy service (sea freight) through You Shop USA with the correct documentation. 

Dangerous Goods cannot be consolidated or repacked.

Dangerous Goods incur a NZ$130 + GST surcharge for a specialist to unpack and examine the contents to determine if it meets International Air Transport (IATA) requirements and complete a declaration and other required documents for the shipment.

Item description Standard (air freight) Economy (sea freight)
Most alcohol-based/flammable products (e.g. perfumes, cologne, toners, sanitizers, eau de toilette and fragrance sprays, nail polish, aftershave etc) NO With correct documentaion
Essential oils, diffuser oils, fragrance oil and perfume oil
NO With correct documentaion
Sprays (e.g. hairsprays, fragrance sprays, body sprays) NO With correct documentaion
All kind of liquids (lotion, cream, toothpaste, contact lens with liquid, etc.) NO With correct documentaion
Aerosol cans  NO With correct documentaion
Ink cartridges NO With correct documentaion
Flammable and toxic content products (e.g. products with Minoxidil, zinc oxide, Rosemary Oil and etc.) NO With correct documentaion
Lighters with or without fuel/fluids NO With correct documentaion
Low strength magnets only, such as fridge magnets NO With correct documentaion
Magnets which cause a compass deflection of more than 2 degrees at 4.6 metres are not allowed.
NO With correct documentaion
Paint, paint thinners (limited quantities of 5 liters as per IMDG regulations, will attract additional DG fees) NO With correct documentaion
Adhesive products (glue, silicone) (limited quantities of 5 liters as per IMDG regulations, will attract additional DG fees) NO With correct documentaion
Turpentine (limited quantities of 5 liters as per IMDG regulations, will attract additional DG fees) NO With correct documentation


You Shop will assess your contents and if required, request that you provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from the merchant you purchased the goods from.

An MSDS identifies potential hazards, handling and required safety precautions for the item you are shipping. 

You can upload the MSDS in the Action Required tab in your You Shop account. Once received, we will examine the MSDS to determine whether the contents are eligible to be shipped to New Zealand.

Restricted items containing batteries

The electronic items containing lithium-ion batteries on this list can only travel using our Economy service (sea freight) through You Shop USA with the correct documentation.

You Shop may request that you provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from the merchant you purchased the goods from for these items to travel via Economy service (sea freight) (USA only). 

Check lithium battery policy below for further information on the batteries you wish to send.

Item description Standard (air freight) Economy (sea freight)
Any type of standalone batteries NO With correct documentation
Any battery/batteries that is packed in the same package but separated from the device including powercore/powerports which also function as a powerbank  NO With correct documentation
Any external battery/power bank for smartphones or tablet devices NO With correct documentation
Audio speakers NO With correct documentation
Radio transceivers and secure communication devices NO With correct documentation
Wireless earbuds - wireless earbuds contain Llithiu m batteries and act like a portable charger. NO With correct documentation
Electronic device which contains battery purchased from eBay/ individual seller (used items shipped without manufacturer’s packaging) NO NO
Electronic items with lithium-ion batteries NO With correct documentation

You Shop Lithium Battery Policy

Check the You Shop lithium-ion battery policy to see if you require documentation for your item and if it will be treated as Dangerous Goods. 

The number and size of batteries determines how parcels containing batteries are treated.
E.g. a new phone in its original packaging with a battery is treated differently from a consignment of a box full of phone batteries.

A lithium-ion battery must not exceed 20 Wh/cell, or 100 Wh per battery pack to travel with You Shop and within NZ Post’s domestic delivery network.

We follow IATA regulations regarding the transportation of Lithium Batteries through our domestic delivery network to reduce risks. If your item was improperly declared or inadequately packaged, it may not be able to be delivered to you after its arrival in Auckland. In which case, alternative arrangements will need to be made to collect the parcel.

If a parcel has the lithium battery mark (below) only, it does NOT require documentation and will be treated as a normal item in our delivery network.

If a parcel containing lithium batteries has a Class 9 label, it needs to be treated as Dangerous Goods and will incur an additional dangerous goods surcharge fee (NZ$130 + GST surcharge) for a specialist to unpack and examine the contents to determine if it meets International Air Transport (IATA) requirements, and complete a declaration and other required documents for the shipment.

Dangerous Goods FAQs

Dangerous Goods incur a NZ$130 + GST surcharge for a Dangerous Goods specialist to unpack, examine the contents to determine if it's eligible to be shipped, complete a Dangerous Goods declaration, prepare other required documents and provide suitable Dangerous Goods packaging to fulfil logistics requirements for shipping.

You Shop will assess your contents and if required, request that you provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from the merchant you purchased the goods from.

An MSDS identifies potential hazards, handling and required safety precautions for the item you are shipping. 

You can upload the MSDS in the Action Required tab in your You Shop account. Once received, we will examine the MSDS to determine if and how the contents should be shipped to NZ.

Customers can contact to arrange pick up from International Freight Service Centre