Find a postcode
You can find New Zealand postcodes along with postal addresses, rural delivery, & PO Boxes using the Address & Postcode Finder.
How postcodes work
Postcodes are four digits, and each digit has a specific meaning.
The first digit of the postcode represents one of ten machine 'lines' (numbered 0 - 9), which process mail for a specific geographic region. These run north to south in ascending order.
The second and third digits reflect postal sort areas and our delivery network - urban posties, Private Boxes and Rural.
The fourth digit identifies the urban area, specific box lobby or rural delivery round.
How to use postcodes
A postcode should be used on all addresses. If the postcode contains a leading zero, this zero must be included. The postcode must not include separators or spaces.
There are only one or two spaces between town/city and postcode, for example:
- Auckland 1112
- Christchurch 8110
For more details download the Quick guide to addressing your letters and parcels (PDF - 154KB)
How to find a postcode or make a postcode map
It's easy to find a postcode for a specific address, or to create postcode maps for anywhere in New Zealand, using our Address & Postcode Finder.
To find a postcode for a specific address:
Enter the address and the postcode will be returned.
To create a postcode map:
Enter any New Zealand address, then zoom in or out to find the area of your choice.
Stay up to date
New suburban developments and changes in postal delivery mean that postcode information changes regularly. For the most up to date information check our Address & Postcode Finder.
Legal information
The standard terms and conditions of the products and services offered by New Zealand Post Limited, including information on the extent of our liability, are set out in the Public Contract and the Postal Users' Guide. They are also available for reference at PostShop stores and selected New Zealand Post retail outlets.
Delivery targets
Delivery targets are a guide only and we do not guarantee your item will reach its destination within the delivery target. Delivery to and from rural or remote areas may take longer.
Required postage
The required postage is the value of postage required for New Zealand Post to carry the item. Actual price paid may vary in store. The required postage and specifications are subject to change.
Cover for loss or damage, prohibited & restricted items
Before sending mail items, make sure your item is safe to send and will be covered if it goes missing or is damaged. Make sure you read about cover for loss or damage and prohibited & restricted items.
These national and regional Postcode Directories are copyright of New Zealand Post Limited and are provided for your personal use only. The Postcode Directories may not be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system in part or as a whole for any non-personal use without the prior written permission of New Zealand Post Limited.