Choose where you want your parcels delivered
Set up a handy collection location or create a safe place for deliveries with our alternative delivery options.
Choose where you want your parcels delivered
Set up a handy collection location or create a safe place for deliveries with our alternative delivery options.

Create a safe place for delivery
By using our Leave my parcel service, you can give us delivery instructions to leave your ‘signature required’ parcels in a safe place if you’re not around to sign for them. You can do it for one delivery or for all of your future deliveries by creating a safe spot. Track your parcel to view a photo of where we left your item.
Set up a parcel pickup point
Need a safe place for deliveries, other than home or work? We’ve got some flexible options available for you.

Collection locations
Have your tracked parcels sent to 390+ collection locations, including Countdown, Z Energy, and NZ Post stores around New Zealand.
Price: Free

PO Boxes
One handy and secure location to receive your mail and courier items.
PO Box: $170 - $285 per year

Missed a parcel & want it redelivered?
If you've missed a delivery, and received a card for your parcel, you may be able to get your item redelivered to the same or a different address with our Missed my parcel service.

Rural delivery
If you live rurally, we can deliver your mail and parcel items as well as provide a pick-up service.
Short term options
Counter delivery
If you need a short-term mailing address of up to 3 months, you can get your mail sent to your local NZ Post store.
Community mailbox
If Rural Post owner-drivers or posties don’t deliver mail your way, you may be able to access a free Community mailbox.
Poste restante (mail for overseas visitors)
Poste Restante is an inexpensive service for receiving letters and parcels while you’re visiting New Zealand from overseas.
Some items are prohibited and cannot be imported into New Zealand, and some require approval to import.
You can’t bring or import any of these items into NZ:
- objectionable material contained on items like videotapes, films, records, CD-ROMs and in publications
- weapons like flick knives, butterfly knives, swordsticks, knuckle-dusters
- any weapon which is disguised as something else
- equipment for using cannabis or methamphetamine
- anything which you’re planning to use in a crime.
You need a permit to import these items into NZ:
- ivory in any form, including jewellery, and carvings
- tortoise or sea turtle shell jewellery, and ornaments
- meat or food derived from whales, dolphins, rare crane, and pheasants, or sea turtles
- medicines containing musk, or rhinoceros or tiger derivatives such as ground horn or bone
- carvings or other things made from whalebone or bone from other marine mammals
- cat skins
- trophies of sea turtles, all big cats, rare reptiles, cranes, pheasants, bears, antelope, and deer
- live species, including pet eagles, hawks, owls and parrots, many cacti, orchids, cycads, and cyclamens
- carnivorous plants.
Check the NZ Customs Prohibited or Restricted imports list (PDF - 39KB) for more detailed information on the following categories, including;
- Agricultural items
- Animal and plant products (including food)
- Baby items
- Endangered species
- Equipment for smoking or taking drugs
- Firearms and weapons
- Furniture
- Human ashes
- Medicines
- Objectionable material
- Radio transmitters and telecommunications equipment
- Tobacco products, tobacco leaf and refuse
- Vaporisers
- Wooden items
When you receive incorrect mail and you want to return it.
If you have received mail that was not meant for you, you can return it using our Return to Sender service.
Simply write ‘return to sender’ on the front of the envelope and post as normal. It will be returned to sender if there is a sender's address.
If there is no sender’s address then it will be sent to NZ Post’s Returned Letters Office and will be dealt with in accordance with the Postal Services Act 1998.
There are a few things you need to know about items being returned overseas:
- Letters, small parcels and all registered mail are returned to the country they were sent from.
- Parcels that are insured or over 2kg, and courier items, are dealt with according to the instructions on the customs declaration or consignment note.
- Printed papers are only returned to the country they were sent from if specifically requested by the sender. This must be marked on the item in the language of the destination country.
Terms and conditions apply.
Mailbox specifications
Every day each of our Posties delivers to around 1,000 mailboxes, some positioned in difficult places with hard to reach slots.
If you are a Rural Delivery Service customer, we have different mailbox requirements. To find out more see Rural Delivery Service.
Designing your mailbox
Illustration only – mailboxes are not available for purchase.
- Ensure the main mail slot is big enough to take several A4 size magazines without needing to fold them. If you receive parcels, you should consider having a separate parcel area in your mailbox.
- Your mailbox should be deep enough (from front to back) to take the length of an A4 size item so that mail can be pushed in far enough to drop out of sight securely.
- Your mailbox should be large enough to hold all of the mail you receive. If you frequently receive parcels, ensure your mailbox is large enough to accommodate them, out of sight from the street.
- Ideally, your mailbox will have a separate area to take newspapers.
- You can still have fun with your mailbox design - just allow for the minimum internal dimensions shown in the diagram below to make mail delivery easy and safe.
- Spring loaded flaps must not be fitted on mailboxes as they may cause injury to your Postie.
Setting up your mailbox
- Make sure your street number is clearly visible.
- Position your mailbox on the property boundary, close to the footpath on the nearest flat area, in a position that is easy and safe for your Postie to access. Where your Postie delivers by cycle the terrain before and after your mailbox needs to be flat and free of obstructions.
- Avoid locating your mailbox on a hill, slope, bank or up steps.
- Maintain safe and clear access to your mailbox, with no shrubbery or obstacles in the way.
- The height of your mailbox must be between 900mm – 1200mm from the ground to the mail slot.
Mailboxes for flats or apartments
Outside mailboxes
Groups of outside mailboxes for flats or apartments should be at right angles to the footpath or road way. The height from the ground to the mail slot must be 900mm-1200mm.
Inside mailboxes
If you have mailboxes located inside a block of five or more apartments, they should be lockable, on the ground floor and with a common entrance.
When is mail considered undeliverable?
Mail is considered undeliverable if:
- it does not display a complete and valid postal address
- it is addressed to a non-existent postal address
- the addressee has moved without providing a Mail redirection request or the request has expired
- the item has insufficient postage for delivery
- the item is prohibited by law
What happens to undeliverable mail?
Mail without a return address that can’t be delivered is dealt with in accordance with the Postal Services Act 1998.
Mail sent within New Zealand
- Items sent within New Zealand that we can’t deliver and that have a sender’s address will be returned to the sender.
- If the item does not have a visible sender address it is sent to the Returned Letter Office where the item is held in safe custody and opened to see if the contents identify the return address.
- After 3 months at the Returned Letter Office, if the postal item remains unclaimed and the sender has not been identified, NZ Post may destroy or otherwise dispose of the item.
Mail sent from overseas
- Undelivered letters, small parcels and all registered mail are returned to the country they were sent from. Parcels that are insured or over 2kg, and courier items, are dealt with according to the instructions on the customs declaration or consignment note.
- Printed papers are only returned to the country they were sent from if specifically requested by the sender. This information must be marked on the item in the language of the destination country.